May 30, 2005
QUEBEC CITY: Another Canadian Adventure Do you like history? How about the history of Québec City? Are you planning to visit Québec City in the near future? Then you have come to the right place. You can take an online tour to explore the city's hidden treasures - and this might give you the urge to visit us in person! In Québec City, you will find that the past is always present, and the present looks to the future!
More information on Quebec City Tourism
May 29, 2005
From the Chicago Tribune- some interesting and perhaps important information( Not just for Americans) Border crossings: New rules, old problems Travel insider: Even without extraordinary events, you can encounter problems when visiting other countries.
From the LA Times
A EUROPEAN UPSTART New kid on the Med By Susan Spano Hop on, hop off. Everything is a la carte with a new low-cost cruise line based on the Riviera.
From the Sydney Morning Herald Drawn to it
Magnetic Island in winter? Cheap flights to Townsville sound pretty good. more
From the Sydney Morning Herald: How to ruin a holiday
More Canadians have urge to travel overseas in 2004 May. 28, 2005. 01:00 AM OTTAWA—Canadians made a record number of overseas trips last year and spent a record amount of money on them, Statistics Canada said yesterday. [Full Story]
May 28, 2005
P.E.I. has become Canada's golf Treasure Island May. 28, 2005. 01:00 AM For me, Prince Edward Island always feels a little like it was locked in a time capsule around the time that Dief was still Chief in Ottawa. [Full Story]
May 26, 2005
French Word-A-Day
un haricot (ah-ree-ko) noun, masculine 1. bean[From Old French, harigoter, "to cut into pieces"] Also:le haricot rouge = red kidney bean le haricot vert = green bean le haricot beurre = yellow French bean, wax bean le haricot sec = dry bean le haricot de mouton = lamb and bean stew..........................
Expressions: C'est la fin des haricots! = It's all over! des haricots = nothing at all or a very small amount courir sur le haricot (to run on someone's bean) = to importune; to get on someone's nerves
Proverb:Haricot par haricot se remplit le sac.Bean by bean, the sack fills up.
Flights of fancy in Canada's Deep South May. 26, 2005. 01:00 AM PELEE ISLAND—The brilliant orange and black monarch butterfly danced above Lake Erie. [Full Story]
More of Canada's best. Another must see on Canada's lengthy list of inviting tourism areas. Visit this site for information of all kinds, about the Point Pelee/Pelee Island area.
Fake passports, fake drivers licenses, but NEVER fake birthdates!!!!!! Oh the brave new world we live in. Birthdates could be used to screen air travellers
May. 26, 2005. 01:00 AM OTTAWA—Canadian travellers may soon have to provide proof of their birthdates before boarding an airplane to help screen out suspected terrorists. [Full Story]
May 22, 2005
Hey, Canada is a great place to visit. We have lots to see and do. Niagara Falls is one of our best-known tourist destinations. Besides the Falls, there are many other attractions and experiences to be had in the area.
The Canadian Tourism Commission has decided to take a soft-sell approach to promoting tourism. I think this is a big mistake. Canada has great opportunities for tourism, and I think we should be shouting this to the World!
Info Niagara, Sharing Niagara's Wonders With The World! AccommodationsAttractionsPackagesDiningShoppingPublicationsTours TransportationServicesWeddingsChild CareDaredevil alleryHistoryWeatherFast FactsCoupons
Niagara has muchto offer its guests! Currency Exchange CustomsDirectionsTax Rebates Falls Shuttle Many of Niagara's accommodation establishments and attractions are serviced by either the Falls Shuttle or the Niagara Parks people mover system. For a low daily fee you can leave your car behind and leave the driving to a team of professionals dedicated to your total satisfaction.
Welcome to Info Niagara, a comprehensive vacation guide for Niagara Falls. Our guide has been organized into sixteen sections highlighting the rich diversity of the Niagara Region.Explore All Niagara's Wonders!Accommodations - Attractions - Packages
Current Feature
Bed & Breakfasts of Niagara The Bed & Breakfasts of Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake include some of the most historic and majestic homes in extremely scenic areas of Niagara Falls. Experience grand views of the Niagara Gorge or the quiet of quaint side-streets.
Niagara Region
When in Niagara don't forget to visit The Murals of Welland and the The Welland Canal where ships climb the mountain.To beautify the city of Welland town fathers commissioned artists from across Canada to paint murals on the sides of buildings. Please Don't miss out on this!!
Book Online with Niagara Central Reservations and receive one FREE ticket to the Niagara Falls Aviary - Niagara's Newest Attraction - a $17.50 value! more Niagara ToursBefore you spend hours of precious vacation time just driving around, consider a Tour with one of Niagara's better tour companies. more WeddingsDid you know that Niagara Falls is growing into the wedding capital of Canada? Each year thousands of couples make the journey to Niagara with entourages in hand in order to mark the beginning of a new life. Click here for more
Accommodations Attractions Packages Dining Shop Books Tours Transit Services Weddings Childcare Daredevils History Weather
Interested in movies in Paris? Read this.
Kenneth Turan in Paris
An American toddler in Paris By Hilary MacGregor A couple sees the City of Light in a whole new light when they take along the baby
May 21, 2005
Canada gets a `Bland' new tourism vision May. 21, 2005. 01:00 AM Brand Canada. It took seven months of research, involving 450 Canadian travel professionals, 40 workshops and 18 consumer focus groups in 23 cities across six countries to come up with that uninspiring title for Canada's new tourism initiative. [Full Story]
SSSH! WE are Canadian. We live in Canada. We have wonderful tourist facilities and sites to visit. We have wilderness and mountains and lakes and cities, and trees and birds and great roads and winter skiing. BUT....don't tell anybody, especially in a loud voice. If you must tell, whisper. Thank you! The Canadian Tourism Commission
Student needs to get visas for school travel May. 21, 2005. 01:00 AMQ I read your column regularly but I have not yet seen anything that will help me with my concern. I am a landed immigrant and have my PR card (I celebrated my second year in Canada this past April). I was born in Guyana and have a Guyanese passport. I am attending George Brown College in the culinary course. I have completed the first year and have been accepted to the Italian Culinary Course. We will do four months here in Toronto and almost four months in Italy, then another four months here in Toronto to complete the course. The school here and in Parma, Italy, will get all the papers necessary for the course in Italy and we are travelling in a group of about 28 persons. But if I intend to travel outside of that country, it is up to me to get the correct papers. I am having difficulty finding out what I need in order to visit other countries. Also, will I need something from the Canadian government to get back into Canada if, at the end of the course, I don't travel with the group but take advantage of two added weeks to see other countries? Do I have to get all the papers from here or can I do it from Italy? Do all the countries in Europe need individual papers? Where do I start? I'm stumped. [Full Story]
May 19, 2005
Ball games in the bush Daniel Lewis gets down and dirty with Burren Junction's bachelors and spinsters. more
There's no ball involved in this type of "ball".
French Atlantic Re-loaded Ile de Re has been dubbed the Atlantic St Tropez, but it's got more laid-back charm than that, says John Brunton. more
Colour and movement May. 19, 2005. 01:00 AM VALLETTA, MALTA—You have to look hard to find Malta on a map. A speck in the centre of the Mediterranean, it's dwarfed by pretty much everything around it: Sicily and Sardinia just to the north, Africa hulking to the south. But throughout its long colourful history, plenty of people have made the effort. Its size, location and anchorages have attracted an almost embarrassing number of invaders, including the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Normans, Corsairs, Arabs, French and British. [Full Story]
Resort offers a `grand' deal May. 19, 2005. 01:00 AMSo many grandparents take trips with their grandchildren now that the industry has coined a new buzzword for the trend: grand-travel. [Full Story]
Just the facts about driving through southern France May. 19, 2005. 01:00 AM The diesel-powered Mercedes I picked up from Hertz in Nice ate up a total of 74 euros (about $118 Cdn.) in gas. [Full Story]
Provence: A novel idea May. 19, 2005. 01:00 AMAIX-EN-PROVENCE—It's market day and the narrow streets of this ancient city occupied by the Romans around 124 BC are filled with locals and tourists. Grizzled farmers, cigarettes dangling from their lips, invite shoppers to inspect the fresh flowers and produce piled high in stalls sitting in the shadow of the city's historic bell tower. [Full Story]
May 18, 2005
U of T star is born, lands in porn '60s filmmaker went to Cannes, met Loren
MARTIN KNELMAN Long, long ago Toronto was a planet where movies never happened. There were no film trucks on the streets, no movie stars at the next table even in fashionable restaurants, and no directors living in your neighbourhood.
Oh, people went to theatres, but the movies came from somewhere else. They were presumed to be about more glamorous people living in more glamorous places. Certainly no one would dream of making movies about people like us, living in a city like this.
Then in 1965, a 22-year-old English literature major named David Secter managed to make a low-budget student movie at the University of Toronto. Secter had recently arrived from Winnipeg.
Hey, I went to University with this guy. He made the movie, Winter Kept Us Warm in our Residence,(Sir Daniel Wilson) , at the University of Toronto. I wondered what happened to him because his goal was to become a big-time film maker. Never heard of him in years so I assumed that he didn't make it in the 'film' trade. Obviously I wasn't looking at the right genre.
Man dies parachuting from Eiffel Tower 2005-05-17 12:52:04 [Foreign] PARIS (AP) — A Norwegian man was killed after jumping from the Eiffel Tower when a parachute he was wearing got stuck on an upper deck of the monument, officials said today.
It would appear that the Eiffel Tower is not the place to go sky diving if you want to live do describe your experience. Some people will do anything to make a commercial. Sure its sad that he died, but give me a break. The odds were not in his favour.
May 16, 2005
May 15, 2005 THE INTERNET TRAVELER( from LA Times ) Alcohol figures into some young Americans' European plans James Gilden For many young Americans traveling to Europe this summer, the continent's allure is more than historic and cultural attractions. It's also the booze
ON A BUDGET Old Europe without Europe's new prices Arthur Frommer Slovenia has castles, villages, wines -- but not sky-high costs
It never ends and it never begins. It is that area that is further away from the coast than where you live. It is hot and dry, but the beer is great, and the pubs are friendly. It gives Australia its identity, but most people don't want to live there. Theme: Outback The outback is huge, but where does it begin and end? In fact, is it a real place? Daniel Lewis reports. It has helped define us as a nation, but Australians have always had a hard time defining exactly where the outback is. For as long as the phrase has existed, there has been debate about its borders, and for a novice traveller wanting to experience its joys this can make things hard. Do you have to go to the Northern Territory? Back o' Bourke? Beyond the black stump? Behind the Blue Mountains? Or is it anywhere you can't get a decent coffee? Some say it's simply a state of mind.
May 15, 2005
 Meredith's new baby, Molly. The new granddaughter! 8 weeks old- Wheaton Terrier.
Passengers are dancing on water May. 14, 2005. 01:00 AMABOARD CRYSTAL SERENITY—June Junko has been dancing for 77 years, since she was three years old. [Full Story]
Relais across France May. 14, 2005. 01:00 AMCAGNES-SUR-MER, FRANCE—A visitor sits on a hotel terrace high above the Mediterranean coastline enjoying a glass of wine and watching the sun dip behind the far-off Alps. The golden streaks that appear at sunset look like they've been added by an artist's brush. [Full Story]
May 12, 2005
 Spring has arrived in Glencoe, along with grass to cut, and our beautiful yellow dandelions all over our lawn. The trees are just starting to come out in leaf, and it hasn't snowed for atleast a week. From now until the middle of July I will be cutting grass ( just about 1.5 hectares). We have birds nesting everywhere, our rabbits have bunnies running around ( which our dog ignores because she has long-since discovered that she can't catch them). The trilliums in our forest are in bloom along with several other types of wild flowers, and our daffodils. The local farmers are spreading fertilizer using tractors and helicopters, but most will not start planting until around May 24th.
Cirque du seas May. 12, 2005. 01:00 AM ABoarD THE CELEBRITY CONSTELLATION—So there I was after an acupuncture treatment, surfing the net on my wireless laptop and enjoying a quick bite of sushi before dashing off to see Cirque du Soleil. [Full Story]
Bern: A mind-boggling place to visit May. 12, 2005. 01:00 AM BERN, SWITZERLAND— It's easy to pass by the place where the world changed forever. [Full Story]
May 08, 2005
Wonders of the World
Wonders of the World (Chicago Tribune) October 3, 2004
Seven Wonders of Man (Chicago Tribune) October 3, 2004
Seven Wonders of Nature (Chicago Tribune) October 3, 2004
Seven Wonders of Man-and-Nature (Chicago Tribune) October 3, 2004 The Original Seven Wonders (Chicago Tribune) October 3, 2004
Travel coverage Destinations in-depth, travel tools, more It began with a list of Seven Wonders of the Modern World, man-made Wonders in the classic tradition. Then we added a list of Seven Wonders of Nature. Then we added a third list of Seven--Man-and-Nature--for those places where man and nature each contributed to their grandeur.And over the nearly 10 years, we visited -- and showed you -- all 21. The Great Wall, featured Sept. 26, 2004, was No. 21.The Seven Wonders of ManNature's Greatest HitsMan and Nature's Greatest Hits Copyright © 2005, Chicago Tribune
France: Tasting history and foie gras in the Dordogne March 16, 2003. Chicago Tribune Most people who travel to France on a regular basis end up growing fond of a certain region of the country, and with remarkable frequency that fondness is forged by food and wine.
Ten for the road What we like to do on vacation Published May 8, 2005 The top activities participated in by U.S. resident travelers in 2003, from the Travel Industry Assocation of America: 1. Shopping30% 2. Social/family event27% 3. Outdoor11% 4. City/urban sightseeing10%(tie) Rural sightseeing10%(tie) Beach activities10% 7. Historic places/sites/museums8% 8. Gambling7%(tie) Theme/amusement park7%(tie) National/state park7%
May 03, 2005
May 3, 2005. 01:00 AM The Good, the Bad and the Floridian Let's say that you're behind the wheel and think someone wants to carjack your automobile and cause you bodily harm. Or suppose you get into a dispute with another shopper over a place in the supermarket's checkout line, and the shopper's aggressive behaviour causes you to fear imminent peril. In both cases, you could — and common sense suggests that you should — retreat or back away from the scene if it can be done safely. But in Florida under a measure passed overwhelmingly by the state legislature last week, you would no longer have a duty to escape or retreat before resorting to the use of deadly force. The bill, signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Jeb Bush, will allow people in Florida — without fear of criminal prosecution or civil action — to shoot, stab or pummel to death anyone who causes them to fear for their lives outside of their homes, on the street, or in their cars or businesses. It's called the "Castle Doctrine," meaning your body, not just your home, is your castle and that you can stand your ground and meet force with force virtually anywhere if you reasonably believe injury or death might occur. A retired police officer in St. Petersburg, writing in the St. Petersburg Times, described the legislature's bill as the "citizens' right to shoot others on the street if they feel threatened" and asked, "Are they nuts?" That, we cannot answer (Toronto Star May 3,2005)
Hey folks this is just where I want to spend my winter holidays. "Hey you Canadian, I feel threatened by you." Bang, bang your dead.
This law definitely gives new meaning to the expression "Your home is your Castle."
Here's a blog that shows pictures of some of the worst places in the world.
Check out the movies that are on in Paris, France this week.
le plafond (plah-fohn) noun, masculine 1. ceiling; roof (of car, cave) Also:plafonner (verb) = to reach a ceiling or maximumle plafond de crédit = credit limitle prix plafond = maximum price Expressions:être bas de plafond = to not have much "up top" (in the head) crever le plafond = to go beyond one's limits.................................
Citation du Jour Si tu sens que tu plafonnes, perce un trou dans le plafond.If you feel that you have reached a limit, drill a hole into the ceiling. --Gilles Goddard
May 02, 2005
 A SAD DAY. PEACHES, OUR 19 YEAR-OLD CAT PASSED AWAY TODAY. ( I THINK 19 YEARS=114 PEOPLE YEARS). Her advanced years did not keep her from being very patient with an intrigued Jacob- 1 year. She was the only cat we ever had that liked to be vacuumed with the vacuum cleaner. We will miss her, but Meredith is bringing a new puppy to our house in a couple of weeks.
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